I recently had the honour of attending the opening of the Diffusion or Fusion exhibition, which was held at Galerie Noko on 27 June 2017. The pieces on display were accurate observations of today's society. The images ranged from political to domestic statements. The experience opened my eyes to the wonderful world of art. Prior to attending the opening of this specific exhibition, I had been to a few exhibitions, but this encounter with the art world left a lasting impression which would stay with me for a very long time. The reason I say attending the exhibition influenced my point of view is because it re-introduced me to the world of the creative. The amount of time and effort that creatives put in their work is proof of their passion for their craft. We should all learn to appreciate and motivate the creatives that are amongst us, as this would lead to a better society than the one that we currently live in. I strongly urge you to attend art exhibitio...
Your guide to entertainment commentary and everything pop culture. Founded and written by Njabulo Madlala Twitter: @njabs_madlala Facebook: Njabulo Madlala